Tag archives: LIVE

Jonah Sharp and AYBEE (Armon Bazile)

Jonah Sharp (Reagenz) and AYBEE | Live at Forward D.C. 2015

Jonah Sharp and AYBEE

Here is 30 Minutes of Jonah Sharp and myself LIVE at the Forward 2015 Fest in D.C. This was beyond an honor on my part as Jonah represents a Yoda of sorts to many of us from the San Francisco Bay Area that live this music… He has been a pioneer & staple for more than 25 years, and also was the 1st person to give me the opportunity years back to perform live! So again to share the stage with him in a jam was a immense honor. Thanks David Fogel for making this happen. Here is 30mins before the recorder ran out of juice. πŸ˜‰ Enjoy!


AYBEE/Afrikan Sciences Sketches Of Space

[DBR-V022] AYBEE/Afrikan Sciences – Sketches of Space 2xLP

Title – Sketches Of Space

Cat# – DBR-V022
Artist – AYBEE and Afrikan Sciences
Label – Deepblak
Format – 2xLP
Style – Experimental, Future Jazz
Release Date – July 2014
Distributor – Crosstalk Intl.


A1. Deep East Suite Part 01 (The Call) (15:00)
B1. Deep East Suite Part 02 (Response) (15:00)
C1. Deep East Suite Part 03 (Sunward) (7:45)
C2. K-Fetisch 01 (Kosmo Bahn) (5:52)
D1. K-Fetisch 02 (Vibes) (4:04)
D2. Knew What’s Coming (Sculpture) (4:10)

Deepblak’s left, and right arm AYBEE along with Afrikan Sciences offer up an homage to one of the greatest musical innovators of the 20th Century, in Miles Davis. “Sketches of Space” is comprised of LIVE jam sessions recorded over a 3 year span, and two countries . The project though named after Mile’s classic “Sketches of Spain” is not dedicated to any of Miles’s work specifically, but honoring his pioneering spirit from which this project drew fuel.

Particularly Davis’s spirit in his continual search for new sound. This is search led him into the jazz fusion era, birthing a movement of stunning contributions by jazz giants that began to explore the improvisational possibilities of electronic instruments. This era in particular, along with it’s ethos has played a critical role in Deepblak’s creative direction over the years. AYBEE along with Afsci have remained steadfast in pushing themselves sonically, and have drawn an innumerable amount of inspiration from the free flowing vibes of the 70’s jazz fusion era.

“Sketches of Space” is by no means a Jazz album, nor is it a remixing or recreation of Miles’ music. Though it is with him in mind that the two producers entered into the Sketches jam-sessions over two continents (Oakland, US/Berlin DE) to record. Wild, Cosmic, and smooth at times β€œSketches” represents the free flowing experimentation that Deepblak as a label cherishes so dearly.

[ FILM ] AYBEE VLOG | 7906 | SoN’y Rays

A few moments from the 1st SoN’y Rays which is Deepblak’s quarterly gathering diving into LIVE cosmic beats, rhythms, and space travel from the Deepblak cast & fam. Here are a few seconds of what was an amazing set up of Afrikan Sciences, AYBEE, LA Beat Master Dibia$e, and EPS1 of Blaktroniks all wired to jam LIVE. Unfortunately our videographer had to cancel so we don’t have much footage, but you can get an idea of the mode… prepping for 02 stay locked.