Jonah Sharp and AYBEE (Armon Bazile)

Jonah Sharp (Reagenz) and AYBEE | Live at Forward D.C. 2015

Jonah Sharp and AYBEE

Here is 30 Minutes of Jonah Sharp and myself LIVE at the Forward 2015 Fest in D.C. This was beyond an honor on my part as Jonah represents a Yoda of sorts to many of us from the San Francisco Bay Area that live this music… He has been a pioneer & staple for more than 25 years, and also was the 1st person to give me the opportunity years back to perform live! So again to share the stage with him in a jam was a immense honor. Thanks David Fogel for making this happen. Here is 30mins before the recorder ran out of juice. đŸ˜‰ Enjoy!


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