Tag archives: DJ Damon Bell

Onyx Ashanti at DEEPBLAK Label Night Berlin 2013

[ FILM ] DEEPBLAK Label NiTE 01 | Berlin | 2013

pic by Dholl

DEEPBLAK Label Nite in Berlin. It’s funny to think that we sat together in Afrikan Sciences apt. in Oakland in 2006 as a small group of sonic misfits trying to figure out a way to perform together. Life has a funny way leading paths away then back together, but here we found ourselves in my new home of Berlin for the 1st DEEPBLAK Label Night. It was a truly magical evening, and a cap to what has been an amazing year for DEEPBLAK. To be able to merge my worlds in a night of sonic travels, was something i will always cherish. Afrikan Sciences, and Damon Bell in from Oakland, along with my Berlin massive of Loganic & the mad scientist that is Onyx Ashanti… simply beautiful.

Smiles and vibes in the air…definitely a historic night. To ALL DEEPBLAK massive worldwide your energy/love was present. It’s so tough to put a whole evening into context, but here is a snapshot. Also an amazing glimpse at the end of the vid of Onyx’s stunning live performance. ~ A

DEEPBLAK LABEL NiTE BERLIN 2013 from Deepblak on Vimeo.

[DBR-CD002] Deepblak – TEN

So here we are at the end of 2011 another amazing year, and the close of Deepblak’s first decade. It is impossible to put into words what has transpired over the last 10 years. So many changes accompanied with so much growth. What started out has a creative refuge developed into a path of rhythmic/self exploration. Opening doors to higher truths that within themselves became inspiration to continue the path. A path that has led us to this present moment with you. In this moment I hope that what we have said musically up until this point serves as inspiration. Inspiration to do if nothing else give you the courage to listen to your inner voice.

Our CD compilation “Ten” is a collection of sentimental favorites from the last decade. These songs are not necessarily our most popular, but were selected because they represent certain pivotal emotional points in the story of the label. For many who are new to Deepblak “Ten” serves as a “Hello” giving them a brief snapshot of the last decade of our sound.

We have learned so much yet still have so much to learn. We thank you for this moment, and we hope that you will tag along for the next stage of our evolution…

Love Respect and Power Always!


[01] Aybee – “Ascending”
[02] Prof Delacroix – “Build Her”
[03] Aybee & Afrikan Sciences – “Someone”
[04] Aybee – “Solaris”
[05] Afrikan Sciences – “A Decision”
[06] Dozie – “Sensuality (Aybee Midnite Creep)”
[07] Blaktroniks – “Petro Sexual”
[08] Orion 70 – “Blak Planet”
[09] Aybee – “Love Like No Other”
[10] Aybee & Trinidadian Deep – “Contact”
[11] Aybee & Afrikan Sciences – “Threshold”
[12] Xaphryn Follicle – “Valentina”

US | Crosstalk
EU | Juno


AYBEE | i-D Magazine Mix

Promoting stillness through sound, Deepblak Recordings is the visionary label releasing left-of-field soundscapes and entering subliminal voids with their omnipotent rhythm.

Placing an emphasis on dance-floor inspired soul, Aybee describes the paths he uses to discover new talent as “a natural evolution of musical dialogue, that takes place organically between a family of artists.” | Read full interview >

AYBEE for Deepblak i-D Mag Mix by i-D

Deepblak | Summer Releases and Movementz…

Much to cover so i will get right to it. We are half way through Deepblak’s 10th year, and i have had little time to breathe. Here’s what we have upcoming. June 7th the “AYBEE – 11:11 EP (DBR-V007)” hits stores on vinyl. I just received the Testpress from the “o1o – A Futurespective EP (FUR009)” coming on Further Records realease date (tba). July brings Afrikan Sciences much heralded project to vinyl with the “Means and Way’s EP (DBR-V008) “ with additional remixes. In August Malena Perez and AYBEE debut as the group “Traveling Phoenix” to drop the “The Ascenion EP (DBR-D030)”. As i type i am finalizing a project with Miles Sagnia for his Atmospheric Existence Label which should be hitting stores mid-summer.

September brings Damon Bell with his “Kush Musik Wax EP (DBR-V009)” also with additional remixes. Rounding out September is the “10 Years of Deepblak CD (DBR-CD001)” celebrating some of Deepblak’s pivotal releases along with a few new gems. Deep breath…also be on the lookout for an AYBEE remix coming on Tsuba for Ethyl & Huxley ‘Reflexions’, and the long awaited Blak Punk Soundsystem (Ron Trent & AYBEE) EP on Future Vision. Ok now that i got that all out…back to work. Blessings to ALL


[ FILM ] AYBEE VLOG | 7899 | Ron Trent in SF

The Mighty Ron Trent was in town this past weekend to get down with Damon Bell at his Loose Joints party in SF. A fantastic opportunity to hear some great music delivered by one of the masters of the Art, and get in some sorely need catch up time/building. When Ron comes to town it’s never a problem getting the Jedi Council together as heads know this will be one of the few opportunities to conjure the electromagnetic frequencies that are needed for sustenance. With laser precision Ron delivered. Transporting SF’s packed Make Out Room into dance-floors past, present, and future at the same time. Below are some moments from the evening, but before you indulge I want to make something’s clear.

There is a beautiful sequence where two of the dancers (Paul Atkinson and Patrick Wilson) get into what we call releasing the God-Self. Understand that this is an alcohol/drug free exchange of Rhythmic Call and Response. What you are witnessing is not two guys dancing, but the Spirit using their physical bodies(the host) to respond to the Call for which Ron is the conduit. This is an essential element of the Science for which we partake. The Rhythm is not profane…understand this. With that stated enjoy. Love and Light to ALL.

DBR-D028 | Damon Bell – Kush Musik pt. 2

Damon Bell returns with pt.2 of his much heralded Kush Musik series. Laced with
smooth engaging rhythms Damon again crafts music for multiple head-spaces. If you know Damon personally you can testify that his productions are totally in sync with his personality. Smooth, welcoming, with a subtle complexity are all things that come to mind when one thinks of Damon, and i am always perplexed as to how he manages to convey these themes consistently within his productions. We hope you enjoy. ~ a.

Written and produced by Damon Bell for Deepblak Recordings 2010.

Damon Bell – Kush Musik pt. 2 from Deepblak on Vimeo.

[DBR-D029] Afrikan Sciences – Means and Ways LP >>

DBR-D027 | Deepblak presents BLAKTROPOLIS vol.2

Welcome again to BLAKTROPOLIS the future city of Sound. Once again within vol. 2 we find a wide tapestry of sonic excursions. Along for this trip you will find many familiar faces from BLAKTROPOLIS vol. 1 accompanied by a fresh set of contributions from 17 year-old prodigy Shen-7, Damon Bell, Exes4Eyes, Lady Blacktronika, Anansi 70, Oakland songstress Omega, DJ Cecil, and the Legendary Ron Trent. Compiled by AYBEE these selections stay true to the Deepblak pursuit of Sonic Freedom. We hope you enjoy.

Release CreditsPDF

Deepblak | Eastbay Express Feature (2009)

East Bay Express - Fade to Deepblak (2010)

Fade to Deepblak
How an East Oakland native creates space for techno.
By Zoneil Maharaj

As head of the innovative Oakland-based label Deepblak Recordings, producer Armon Bazile always has his eyes wide open to the pulse of emerging music in the Bay Area. “The musical underground railroad is rumbling,” he said. “There’s some brilliant stuff going on, especially here in Oakland. A lot of people are taking chances again.” But for Bazile (aka Aybee), it’s been an uphill battle without armor. Read Full Article >>

Video | Deepblak Summer 09

Much movement on the Deepblak scene in this summer of 2009. I don’t quite know where to start so here goes. The summer kicked off with the release of the AYBEE – East Oakland Space Program LP. A huge amount of gratitude to all who reached out to me about the album. Your words of appreciation, and encouragement are the currency that I cash in on my not so creative days. For me as an artist there is a profound sense of humility that comes from throwing your music into the void, and having uplifted voices come back to you.


We then followed up with releases from Blaktroniks with their SlapMatik EP, and Damon Bell with Kush Musik pt.1. I was very honored to be able to champion these cats. Blaktroniks who have been solo pioneers on the Oakland Electronic front since the mid 90’s, in many ways laid the foundation for Deepblak to be born. It was from what I saw them do that gave me inspiration to follow my voice. So for them to release on Deepblak brought things full circle, and has sparked something that I can’t quite find words for at the moment.

Damon Bell since coming to Oakland from So. Cali has been a consistent purveyor of all things Deep. I also feel very blessed to be able to play host to his solo debut, which was his Kush Musik pt.1 EP. Outside of being a solid Producer/DJ, Damon is a solid Spirit that contributes greatly the ethos of the Deepblak mission. Kush Musik has been getting great support (thanks all), so we will try and roll those vibes over into Kush Musik pt.2, which will surface around late fall.

On my front this year is turning out to be the year of the collaboration with projects underway with: Afrikan Sciences, Fred. P (Black Jazz Consortium), Erik Rico, Damon Bell, Trinidadian Deep, Malena Perez, and an EP coming on the mighty Jus-Ed’s Underground Quality label. I am very excited about the coming outputs of these projects. There will be much activity in the Deepblak Hall Of Science

Late summer will also see the release of the o1o – Bread and Circuses LP for my Celestial Slap heads. With tons of beats and pieces. All this leads into the fall with the release of the BLAKTROPOLIS II compilation featuring new Deepblak material along with music from FAM around the globe. There’s also a new face coming into the Deepblak fold…I’ll just say two words…Aku9 (aka Lady Blaktronika). Brace yourselves for some amazing sonics coming this way this fall.

As you can see I have my work cut out for me, and there are several special treats that I will save for a later date. It will give me another excuse to connect with you. Again BIG respect for the support, and continue to spread the word. Much growth ahead and I hope that we continue to grow together.

Love | Respect | Power


Deepblak Recordings Summer 09 from Deepblak on Vimeo.