Woke this morning, and I was thinking about what to play on the Radio show. In a brief second the thought came to just go in with my sampler + 1 record, and dive off the edge. So that’s what i did. Actually brought the Sampler, Circuit, and the KP3 and one Record… The rest as they say is history. Heads up this is RAW bizness… But well worth the effort. Hope you can take the ride, and as always Enjoy! – AYBEE
AYBEE | On Sun Ra, Improvisation , and the Musicians mission. Electronic Beats
AYBEE sits down with esteemed Chicago-based music writer and curator John Corbett to explore the deeper meaning behind Sun Ra’s work and examine the roles that improvisation and experimentation serve in times of political and social upheaval. Corbett is well placed to discuss such issues, as he’s the acclaimed author of books such as Travelling The Spaceways: Sun Ra, The Astro Black And Other Solar Myths and A Listener’s Guide to Free Improvisation.
Welcome to DEEPBLAK’s podcast series “Off The Grid”. OTG was created to feature the LIVE side of performance via sets from the DEEPBLAK cast, and cohorts. No rules just the artist, their gear, and whatever trajectory they decide to explore. The expectation is to have no expectation simply ride.
OTG [02] is provided by DEEPBLAK Rhythm Czar Eric Porter aka Afrikan Sciences. With his 2nd LP “Theta Wave Brain Sync” slated for Oct. 2013 he provides us with triumphant travel piloted by his unique metronome. If you are new to Afrikan Sciences then welcome. If you are already initiated then you know the score. Hold tight as we visit the distant lands that reside deep within your mind.
DEEPBLAK | OFF The Grid 02 | AFRIKAN SCIENCES by Deepblak on Mixcloud
[ FILM ] AYBEE VLOG | 7906 | SoN’y Rays
A few moments from the 1st SoN’y Rays which is Deepblak’s quarterly gathering diving into LIVE cosmic beats, rhythms, and space travel from the Deepblak cast & fam. Here are a few seconds of what was an amazing set up of Afrikan Sciences, AYBEE, LA Beat Master Dibia$e, and EPS1 of Blaktroniks all wired to jam LIVE. Unfortunately our videographer had to cancel so we don’t have much footage, but you can get an idea of the mode… prepping for 02 stay locked.