As we enter the later days of Summer i put together this mix to keep the Sun flowing. Hope you enjoy! – AYBEE
THE G I F T | A Film by AYBEE
The Gift | A Film by AYBEE from Deepblak on Vimeo.
“THE GIFT” is the story of a mysterious Radio, and its journey through intersecting lives. Shot in Berlin we follow the radio across the city as we learn of its power, and influence on all that cross its path. Directed by Berlin based music producer AYBEE (Armon Bazile) the film is silent, and was created to be scored LIVE in front of audiences. Done in collaboration with Berlin based photographer Marie Staggat “THE GIFT” was debuted, and scored live at the 8th annual FORWARD Fest (DC) on Thursday, May 14th 2015 at the Goethe Institute in Washington DC.
Sabrina Basten
Fred P.
Dave Aju
Matthieu La
Christopher Rau
Yuval Gross
Alland Byallo
Levon Vincent

Official Soundtrack
[ FILM ] AYBEE VLOG | 7909 | Joey Anderson and Steven Tang at Tresor Berlin (2012)
AYBEE VLOG | 7909 | Tresor (Berlin) Joey Anderson and Steven Tang from Deepblak on Vimeo.
A few moments from Tresor (Berlin) withJoey Anderson and Steven Tang. Back Story > Joey flew in from NY with just a thin hoodie on so by the time he got on his bones had been thoroughly chilled by Berlin, but he went on to play a great set.
[ FILM ] AYBEE VLOG | 7905 | Halcyon (Brooklyn) In Store (2012)
A few minutes from the “The Bandwagon Podcast” at Halcyon in Brooklyn. Myself, Fred P., JD, and the mighty Jay Locke holding it down for a few hours. Pursuit Grooves came thru, and shared a few words about her upcoming Deepblak debut under her “91 Fellows” moniker. It was great day with stunning weather in NY. Great people, space, and music. Respect to Taimur, and the Halcyon staff for having us out.
[DBR-V010] Prof. Delacroix – Build Her | Remixes
As our Ten year Anniversary comes to an end we take time to revisit Prof. Delacroix’s deep classic ‘Build Her”. Initially released in ‘07-08 “Build Her” received massive support from Deep selectors across the field. Finding it’s way onto DJ Deep’s “Tronic Jams Vol.1”, and a permanent place in the crate of Osunlade.
Two of my favorite producers in Fred. P and Afrikan Sciences bring an added perspective to this time tested piece. Fred brings a painfully beautiful soundscape to the table while Afrikan Sciences weaves a rhythmic masterpiece. I was very happy to have these cats touch “Build Her” as I know they were big fans of the original. So I knew they would touch it with Love. I could not think of a more perfect way to bring 2011 to a close than to have the Bredren remix one my biggest pieces to date . I hope you enjoy. Love, Respect, and Power Always. ~ AYBEE
AYBEE Interview | CJLO 1690 in Montreal w Michael Terzian
Recently got the opportunity to have a in depth discussion with DJ Sinister (aka Michael Terzian) on his weekly “Salvation From Sin” radio show on CJLO 1690 in Montreal. We got into a wide range of topics. It was truly and honor to do this interview with Michael as he has been one of earliest, and most steady supporters of the Deepblak sound. Hope you Enjoy.
MIX /// AYBEE for (JGM 65)
Short little mix I did for man Cez and his Just Good Music (JGM) podcasts series. Really just a recorded practice session that came of pretty good. Deep moody stuff.
[ FILM ] AYBEE VLOG | 7890 | No Cabs in SF with Simbad
Connected with my Brother Simbad in town from London to play this weekend. We tried and FAILED to catch Fred P. at a an outdoor event in SF. We could Not get a Cab from Glen Park Bart station after 45 mins of trying. Go figure…it gets better.
AYBEE VLOG #7890 – No Cabs in SF from Deepblak on Vimeo.
So we head back to the Mission to grab something to eat. We stop at this Indian spot and order some food. This Girl sits at the table right next to us with her food. She has a pretty impressive spread, but she’s solo. So our food comes, and we are eating when all of a sudden she get’s up. Simbad’s like “I hope she not leaving?” I’m like “No think she just is grabbing some napkins.”
Then I see her walk out of the restaurant!? We’re like whoa that is ill she only took like 3 bites out of her food then bailed? So I’m looking at him, he’s looking at me, and were looking at her spread. Simbad starts going in on her Naan, and I grab some of her curry beef. We’re like that was weird, but oh well. Why after like 5 mins she comes back???
Half the Naan is gone, and we are like “heeeeey we thought you left…(insert oh ish grin)”. She said “Nooo I went to grab a beer”. Ohps. She was totally cool about it though, and I did not mention me going in on that curry beef she had.
[ FILM ] AYBEE VLOG | 7889 | Fred P. (aka Black Jazz Consortium) in SF
My Brother Fred P. aka Black Jazz Consortium recently touched down in SF for the 1st time as guest of the mighty Jonah Sharp. Good vibes all around. Here are a few moments.
AYBEE VLOG #7889 – Fred P. aka (Black Jazz Consortium) in SF from Deepblak on Vimeo.
DBR-D027 | Deepblak presents BLAKTROPOLIS vol.2
Welcome again to BLAKTROPOLIS the future city of Sound. Once again within vol. 2 we find a wide tapestry of sonic excursions. Along for this trip you will find many familiar faces from BLAKTROPOLIS vol. 1 accompanied by a fresh set of contributions from 17 year-old prodigy Shen-7, Damon Bell, Exes4Eyes, Lady Blacktronika, Anansi 70, Oakland songstress Omega, DJ Cecil, and the Legendary Ron Trent. Compiled by AYBEE these selections stay true to the Deepblak pursuit of Sonic Freedom. We hope you enjoy.
The New York trip…
The trip to New York was no different than any of my other trips there….simply magical. The opportunity catch up, build, and make new friends was a tremendous blessing. In this era of social networking, and thumb based communication there is nothing like sitting in front of someone sharing ideas, food, and laughter. With the mighty Jus-Ed as my host little could go wrong as I was exposed to some of Connecticut’s most beautiful landscapes. To wrap up the weekend at the helm of one NYC’s most fabled Sound-System’s was an experience not soon to be forgotten. Respect to Jus-Ed, Anthony Parasole, Fred P., DJ Qu, Levon Vincent, Joey, Ian Rock, Lola & Spider, and all those who came out. I appreciate all the conversations as it was truly time well spent. Until next time…
Love | Respect | Power
Deepblak | Eastbay Express Feature (2009)
Fade to Deepblak
How an East Oakland native creates space for techno.
By Zoneil Maharaj
As head of the innovative Oakland-based label Deepblak Recordings, producer Armon Bazile always has his eyes wide open to the pulse of emerging music in the Bay Area. “The musical underground railroad is rumbling,” he said. “There’s some brilliant stuff going on, especially here in Oakland. A lot of people are taking chances again.” But for Bazile (aka Aybee), it’s been an uphill battle without armor. Read Full Article >>

Video | Deepblak Summer 09
Much movement on the Deepblak scene in this summer of 2009. I don’t quite know where to start so here goes. The summer kicked off with the release of the AYBEE – East Oakland Space Program LP. A huge amount of gratitude to all who reached out to me about the album. Your words of appreciation, and encouragement are the currency that I cash in on my not so creative days. For me as an artist there is a profound sense of humility that comes from throwing your music into the void, and having uplifted voices come back to you.
We then followed up with releases from Blaktroniks with their SlapMatik EP, and Damon Bell with Kush Musik pt.1. I was very honored to be able to champion these cats. Blaktroniks who have been solo pioneers on the Oakland Electronic front since the mid 90’s, in many ways laid the foundation for Deepblak to be born. It was from what I saw them do that gave me inspiration to follow my voice. So for them to release on Deepblak brought things full circle, and has sparked something that I can’t quite find words for at the moment.
Damon Bell since coming to Oakland from So. Cali has been a consistent purveyor of all things Deep. I also feel very blessed to be able to play host to his solo debut, which was his Kush Musik pt.1 EP. Outside of being a solid Producer/DJ, Damon is a solid Spirit that contributes greatly the ethos of the Deepblak mission. Kush Musik has been getting great support (thanks all), so we will try and roll those vibes over into Kush Musik pt.2, which will surface around late fall.
On my front this year is turning out to be the year of the collaboration with projects underway with: Afrikan Sciences, Fred. P (Black Jazz Consortium), Erik Rico, Damon Bell, Trinidadian Deep, Malena Perez, and an EP coming on the mighty Jus-Ed’s Underground Quality label. I am very excited about the coming outputs of these projects. There will be much activity in the Deepblak Hall Of Science…
Late summer will also see the release of the o1o – Bread and Circuses LP for my Celestial Slap heads. With tons of beats and pieces. All this leads into the fall with the release of the BLAKTROPOLIS II compilation featuring new Deepblak material along with music from FAM around the globe. There’s also a new face coming into the Deepblak fold…I’ll just say two words…Aku9 (aka Lady Blaktronika). Brace yourselves for some amazing sonics coming this way this fall.
As you can see I have my work cut out for me, and there are several special treats that I will save for a later date. It will give me another excuse to connect with you. Again BIG respect for the support, and continue to spread the word. Much growth ahead and I hope that we continue to grow together.
Love | Respect | Power
Deepblak Recordings Summer 09 from Deepblak on Vimeo.