As our Ten year Anniversary comes to an end we take time to revisit Prof. Delacroix’s deep classic ‘Build Her”. Initially released in ‘07-08 “Build Her” received massive support from Deep selectors across the field. Finding it’s way onto DJ Deep’s “Tronic Jams Vol.1”, and a permanent place in the crate of Osunlade.
Two of my favorite producers in Fred. P and Afrikan Sciences bring an added perspective to this time tested piece. Fred brings a painfully beautiful soundscape to the table while Afrikan Sciences weaves a rhythmic masterpiece. I was very happy to have these cats touch “Build Her” as I know they were big fans of the original. So I knew they would touch it with Love. I could not think of a more perfect way to bring 2011 to a close than to have the Bredren remix one my biggest pieces to date . I hope you enjoy. Love, Respect, and Power Always. ~ AYBEE