Tag archives: Armon Bazile


NOM-RA | L O N | 004

Alive and Tactile. Hardware based electroniks embedded with antidotes of importance…broadcast from L O N.

NOM-RA | My Favorite Things

[DBR-V045] NOM-RA | My Favorite Things

“There is never any end… There are always new sounds to imagine; new feelings to get at. And always, there is the need to keep purifying these feelings and sounds so that we can really see what we’ve discovered in its pure state. So that we can see more and more clearly what we are. In that way, we can give those who listen the essence, the best of what we are. But to do that at each stage we have to keep on cleaning the mirror.” ~ John Coltrane


NOM-RA | L O N | 003

Alive and Tactile. Hardware based electroniks embedded with antidotes of importance…broadcast from L O N.

NOM-RA - LON 002

NOM-RA | L O N | 002

Alive and Tactile. Hardware based electroniks embedded with antidotes of importance…broadcast from L O N.

NOM-RA Soliloquy

[DBR-V044] NOM-RA – Soliloquy EP

Do nothing for effect. Do it for truth. ~ Nadia Boulanger

Limited 3 of 3 Super VHS versions for those in need of accentuated analog repair…

NOM-RA Impedance

[DBR-V043] NOM-RA – Impedance LP

Go within everyday and find the inner strength so that the world will not blow out your candle. – Katherine Dunham

NOM-RA | Alter Destiny

[DBR-V042] NOM-RA – Alter Destiny LP

Where I come from we say that rhythm is the soul of life, because the whole universe revolves around rhythm, and when we get out of rhythm, that’s when we get into trouble.~ Babatunde Olatunji

NOM-RA Unscheduled Directions

[DBR-V041] NOM-RA – Unscheduled Directions LP

“To have humility is to experience reality, not in relation to ourselves, but in its sacred independence. It is to see, judge, and act from the point of rest in ourselves. Then, how much disappears, and all that remains falls into place.

In the point of rest at the center of our being, we encounter a world where all things are at rest in the same way. Then a tree becomes a mystery, a cloud a revelation, each man a cosmos of whose riches we can only catch glimpses. The life of simplicity is simple, but it opens to us a book in which we never get beyond the first syllable.”
– Dag Hammarskjöld

NOM-RA Radfahren In Der Nacht

[DBR-V040] NOM-RA – Radfahren In Der Nacht

The whole thing of being in music is not to control it but to be swept away by it. If you’re swept away by it you can’t wait to do it again and the same magical moments always come. ~ Bobby Hutcherson

for Alland Byallo and Manuel Göttsching…

Limited 3 of 3 Super VHS versions for those in need of accentuated analog repair…


NOM-RA | L O N | 001

Alive and Tactile. Hardware based electroniks embedded with antidotes of importance…broadcast from L O N.

NOM-RA - Wave Magnetik

[DBR-V039] NOM-RA – Wave Magnetik LP

Truth, crushed to the Earth, shall rise again. – William Cullen Bryant

NOM-RA | A Dream Called Exactly

[DBR-V038] NOM-RA – A Dream Called Exactly

“We are part fire, and part dream. We are the physical mirroring of Miaheyyun, the Total Universe, upon this earth, our Mother. We are here to experience.”
~ Fire Dog, Cheyenne

A 44 minute 1-take hardware based meditation…



Words created divergencies between beings, because their precise meanings put an opinion around the idea. Music only retains the highest and purest substance of the idea, since it has the privilege of expressing all, whilst excluding nothing. ~ Nadia Boulanger