The Sounds of Deepblak Recordings past, present, and future. Along with any, and everything else we are feeling.
#CONTEXT with AYBEE [ 02 ] Feb 3rd 2015
The Sounds of Deepblak Recordings past, present, and future. Along with any, and everything else we are feeling.
#CONTEXT with AYBEE [ 01 ] Jan. 06th 2015
The sounds of Deepblak Recordings past, present, and future. Along with any, and everything else we are feeling. This is the inaugural show, and the time doing a radio show… The mic was a little low, and nerves high but we made it through. New music from Deflon, Octo Octa, and more…
Afrikan Sciences – As Of Yet
Deflon – Signs
Afrikan Sciences – A Decision
Prof. Delacroix – Build Her
Octo Octa – Body Drift
The Bazile Republic – The Sacred Smoke
GeOlogy – Enig’Matik
Deflon – Pinball Number Count
Damon Bell – Ezuku
Afrikan Sciences – Restless Soul
Deflon – Aillio ft. Bee Ayume
AYBEE – Centrifugal Seduction
Deepblak Interview with Friday Night Sessions (KUSF 90.3) 7-9-10
Recently did and interview with the Deepblak Bredren for Friday Night Sessions (KUSF 90.3). Enjoyed the opportunity to chop shop on music and the general goings-on. Massive respect to Mike B., Cez, Andrew Jervis, and Tomas for the invite. Goodtimes…plenty of comedy hope you enjoy.
AYBEE on KUSF Friday Night Sessions
Interview with Friday Night Sessions talking about Deepblak, the Blaktropolis project, and Oakland electronic music scene…Listen